Sunday, October 16, 2011


One awesome thing about CB is that you can have a fire going in your yard.  We have a little metal container to make a campfire in and usually we only busted it out around the 4th of July.  Now 90 degrees, humidity, and mosquitos never made for super pleasant campfires.  However, we would still do it because of the smores and the company.  Now that we are living here and dad is coming down often, we actually had the chance to light a fire when it's cool outside! 

We've had to light a lot of citronella candles this summer and it's given me the opportunity to talk to Nate about fire and staying away from it.  The campfire lended more opportunity for that.  He was actually really well behaved around it for a 3 year old.  All he wanted to do was eat the chocolate and roast marshmallows.  I'm pretty sure he snuck a lot of chocolate when I wasn't looking :).

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