Sunday, October 23, 2011

Finding a New Church Home

Throughout my life I have only regularly attended 2 churches.  Since Nate was born, I basically didn't put church as a priority.  I've never been to a church as an adult that fulfilled my needs.  As a teen I got my spiritual fulfillment from going to national, state, and local events, not necessarily from Sunday worship.  Now at this point in my life I need that Sunday worship.  I stopped going to church because there wasn't a place for Nate. 

After moving it's been a priority for me to find a church where I fit in and where Nate fits in.  The added bonus would be that the rest of my family likes it too.  At this point in time we have found it.  It's United Methodist, there is a preschool Sunday school class while simultaneously there is a contemporary worship service.  It's been a trial to get Nate to stay in Sunday School.  I'm an attached parent and I won't just leave him to be upset because of the separation.  I told his teachers to get me if he got upset.  The first Sunday he lasted about 15 minutes before they had to get me and I stayed with him the rest of the time.  The second Sunday Mema stayed with him the first 30 minutes and then he stayed by himself the second 30. 

Miraculously enough today he stayed in Sunday school the whole time!  I guess third times a charm.  The teacher told me that he just wanted to sit and watch for the first part, but that he got into it when they played games and did a craft.  He looooves crafts.  I'm just happy that he didn't cry and that they didn't feel the need to come get me.  I hope in time that he will get really comfortable and just walk in on his own and be all smiles when I come to get him.  But for now I'm happy with baby steps.  Because his staying in Sunday school means that I get to go to church and work on my relationship with God.

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