Sunday, January 22, 2012

Glittered Button Push Pins

I am officially a working mom again and with it have my very first cubicle.  Now I've never really had my own work space.  I'm really excited about it, so there are most likely going to be some creative cubicle craft projects in the works.  I finished my first this weekend.  I felt the need to jazz up some plain push pins.  It was also an opportunity to use some more of my Martha Stewart glitter. 

 I used some regular old clear push pins that we had.  I pushed them into a small cardboard box, so that they were standing up.  You could use a box top or styrofoam.

 Then I hot glued some old buttons to the push pins. 

 I made 16 of them.

I covered the buttons with craft glue and then sprinkled a turqoise glitter on them. 

I set them back in the box to dry. 

The glitter is even prettier than it shows in the picture.  Nate was very wow'd by them.  Just tap off the extra glitter and you have some very pretty push pins.

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